Member Spotlight: Cody Borden

This week's member spotlight is Cody Borden! Cody is a freshman Communication major with a concentration in Journalism and a double minor in Sports Communication and Film and Media Studies from Winchester, Virginia.

Q: When did you join SPJ?

A: "Last semester."

Q: What do you love the most about SPJ/ being involved with student media?

A: "[In regards to SPJ] I love the networking opportunities that it provides. The trip that we took to see Chuck Todd was a great experience to see behind the scenes and to see the ins and outs. Being a volunteer GMU DJ, a host for Freshman's Corner, and a Daily Update anchor are all hands on experiences that will help prepare me for the next level."

Q: What other organizations are you a part of? 

A: "I am a part of WGMU and Delta Kappa Alpha."

Q: Have you had any internship opportunities or any cool opportunities?

A: "No internships yet. But all the student media opportunities in general are great."

Q: What are some career goals or aspirations that you have for yourself?

A: "There are two paths that I am torn between. I either want to be a Sports Caster Play-by-Play Analyst or I want to be a Director and make films."

Q: Any fun facts about yourself?

A: "I can solve a Rubiks cube in 37 seconds."

Flash Questions:

Broadcast journalism or Print: Broadcast
Video or Photography: Video
Radio or TV: TV
Winter or Summer: Summer
Hot and Humid or Cold and Rainy: Hot and Humid
Spicy or Sweet: Spicy
Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee: Hot Coffee
Tacos or Burritos: You can fit more in a burrito but you can eat more tacos

If you had to drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I'm a big fan of Tropicana orange juice.

Thank you to Cody for being this week's Member Spotlight. See you all Tuesday for our Personal Branding Workshop with Sara Azani and Arash Shirazi.

Signing off,


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