Recap: Amos Gelb, Director of Washington Media Instiute

On Tuesday, November 28th we had the pleasure of hearing from Amos Gelb. He is currently the director of Washington Media Institute and former senior producer for CNN's Investigative Reporting Unit. He's taught at George Washington and Georgetown. Gelb has also won many Emmys and other awards.

He asked us: "Where do you think you're going and what do you want to do?" He said that at first we say what we think would be acceptable and there's a sense of guilt when we say what we truly want to do.

According to Gelb, the older generation has messed up the younger generation's mindset because they've instilled a set of values. They're holding onto traditional jobs and not allowing for younger people to venture out into new career paths.

He believes that local news in going to die because a majority of the stories aren't the best that they could be. Also most people these days watch news on their phones and not on TV. He stated that Donald Trump is the best and worst thing to happen to news. He's the best because there's always something to say about him which boosts ratings but once he leaves, the ratings leave with him.

Amos Gelb had a very interesting view point on how the media world works and helped our members consider it from a new and different perspective. He taught us that the future for media is unpredictable and we have no idea where it is going to go.

Quotes from Amos Gelb

"True journalists are driven by ego. They have an extreme desire to know things before everyone else and be the first to tell everyone."

"What can drastically change media is if Amazon and Netflix buy the rights to sporting events.  This would kill the networks."

"The key is trusting yourself and making the most of this place."



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