Member Spotlight: Raven Royal

This week's Member Spotlight is Raven Royal! Raven is a freshman Communication major with a concentration in Journalism and a minor in Government and International Politics.

Q: When did you join SPJ?

A: "I joined last semester."

Q: What do you love the most about SPJ/ being involved in student media?

A: "I really enjoy the guest speakers because it is nice to learn from someone who is already in the field and hear their perspective but also be able to ask them questions. For example, last semester getting to hear Byron Edwards speak. You also get to learn about things you may not have been interested in before."

Q: What other organizations are you part of?

A: "Mason Cable Network, Honors College, Black Ambition, and Alpha Lambda Delta."

Q: Have you had any internship opportunities or any cool opportunities?

A: "I haven't been able to do much but I hope to have internship opportunities in the future."

Q: What are some career goals or aspirations that you have for yourself?

A: "My dream job is to be an on air anchor for CNN. I hope to intern somewhere next year for a local news company and see where it goes from there."

Q: Any fun facts about yourself?

A: "I've been to Jamaica. I also met Akon randomly at LAX."

Flash Questions:
Apple or orange juice: Orange
Broadcast journalism or print: Broadcast
Video or Photography: Video
Music or TV: Music
Winter or summer: Summer 
Hot and humid or rainy and cold: Hot and humid
Spicy or sweet: Spicy
Coffee or tea: Coffee

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?: Chicken Alfredo

Thank you to Raven for being this week's Member Spotlight. See you all tomorrow where freelance food writer Lani Furbank will be coming to speak with us.

Signing off,


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