Member Spotlight: Fareeha Rehman

Our first member spotlight will focus on Fareeha Rehman, a junior and the President of the SPJ chapter here ate Mason.

Q: When did you join SPJ?

A: "I joined in Fall of 2015 as a sophomore. During my first meeting, the opportunity to become the fundraising chair came up and I took it. I was fundraising chair for a year and then Fernanda [the former President of SPJ] convinced me to become president"

Q: What do you love the most about SPJ/ being involved with Student Media?

A: "People see things like writing or drawing, which is my other hobby, as solitary things but finding SPJ and Student Media has helped me find other people who are interested in the same things as well.  It is very cool to find people who are like you and be able to interact and support each other."

Q: Have you had any internship opportunities?

A: "I was the Digital Communications Associate at Bixal Solutions."

Q: What are some career goals or aspirations that you have for yourself for the future?

A: "I would love to intern at National Geographic."

Q: Any fun facts about yourself?

A: "I can speak urdu. I also lived in Dubai for three months and I had the opportunity to visit Pakistan and Canada."

Flash Questions:

Coke or pepsi: I don’t like soda
Chocolate or sweets: Chocolate
City or country: Suburbs
Cnn or Fox news: CNN
Twitter or Instagram: Twitter
Iced coffee or hot coffee: Iced
Newspaper or book: Newspaper
Pancake or waffle: Pancakes
Sneakers or sandals: Sneakers

A huge thank you to Fareeha for being our first Member Spotlight guest! See you all at the next meeting on February 14.

Signing off,


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