Member Spotlight: Manny Viezaga

This week's Member Spotlight is member Manny Viezaga! Manny is a Communication major concentrating in Media Production and Criticism and plans to graduate Spring 2018.

Q: When did you join SPJ?

A: "I joined SPJ last semester, which was Fall 2016."

Q: What do you love the most about SPJ/ being involved with Student Media?

A: "I think what I love most about SPJ are the opportunities offered to us such as having the chance to meet with professionals in the field and network with them. Also, networking and meeting other students with similar interests and career goals as you is a great experience." 

Q: What other organizations are you apart of?

A: "Aside from SPJ, I’m also part of the Mason Cable Network. I have a show on there called “What’s Up Mason?” where I go around campus talking to students about student life and national topics. It’s definitely a fun experience to be part of and helps me develop my hosting skills."

Q: Have you had any internship opportunities?

A: "I have been working part time for most of my college career at a small general contracting firm and recently started contributing to an online media company called MITD (Made in the District) that focuses on music, DC life, and news. I am looking forward to undertaking a communication related internship in the near future."

Q: What are some career goals or aspirations that you have for yourself for the future?

A: "I would really like to work in the media and hopefully become a media personality. I want to report on entertainment news and popular culture as well as hopefully host an entertainment related show one day. My dream job would be to work at Good Morning America (GMA) or Despierta America (a Spanish language morning show) because I honestly want to bring joy into the lives of people. I definitely hope that I can make some positive change in the world through my career." 

Q: Any fun facts about yourself?

A: "I love exploring cities. I try to visit New York City multiple times throughout the year. Also, I’m a huge Alfred Hitchcock fan and enjoy listening to 80s music."

Flash Questions:

Coke or Pepsi: Coca Cola (Coke)
CNN or Fox: CNN 
Video or Photography: Video 
Newspaper or book: Newspaper because I like being constantly up-to-date with news happenings. 
Winter or summer: Summer
Hot and humid or rainy and cold: Hot and Humid because I can be outside 

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?: Chipotle #SorryNotSorry

Thank you to Manny for being our Member Spotlight this week! We hope to see you all tomorrow February 14 for our meeting in our regular room.

Signing off,


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