Member Spotlight: AJ Blomberg

This week's member spotlight is our Events Coordinator, AJ Blomberg. AJ is a freshman Communication major with a concentration in Journalism from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Q: When did you join SPJ?

A: "I joined the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester."

Q: What do you love the most about SPJ/ being involved in student media?

A: "I love being around other students who share the same interest in journalism and also being able to meet professionals in the field."

Q: What other organizations are you a part of?

A: "Just SPJ."

Q: Have you had any internships or any cool opportunities?

A: "I've been to ABC World News in New York three times. I've also been to WABC New York three times as well. I have gone to Good Morning America and Meet the Press. I have also had the opportunity to interview a senator."

Q: What are some career goals/ aspirations that you have for yourself?

A: "I want to do something in media. I'm not entirely sure yet whether it will be on air or behind the scenes. Right now, I am leaning more towards behind the scenes work such as an executive producer."

Q: Any fun facts about yourself?

A: "My life has been a joke since the day I was born (I was born on April Fool's Day)."

Flash Questions:

Pizza or Sushi: Pizza
Broadcast or Print Journalism: Broadcast
Radio or TV: TV
Video or Photography: Video
Rain or Snow: Snow
Dunkin Dounts or Starbucks: Dunkin Donuts
Country or City: City
Politics or Sports: Politics

If you could only speak one language for the rest of your life what would it be? English

Thank you to AJ for being this week's member spotlight. See you all on Tuesday for our weekly meeting.

Signing off,


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